Monday, March 3, 2008


If you like Sushi then obviously your nirvana would be in Japan (or Montreal). Two of the best sushi restaurants I have been to were in these two places. In Montreal it was all about interpretation on a sushi them and working with local ingredients to make neat new sushi combinations. Here in Tokyo, Japan it is all about the basics. In fact, sashimi to be precise. It was really neat watching the master at work. He would take raw fish and occasionally throw it down on the wood block to see how the raw flesh responded. Sometime it didn’t bounce back well, or didn’t flatten out enough….meaning it was not good enough. The master made so many different combinations I lost count and all of them were superb. One of the simplest and more interesting combinations of sashimi was of tuna. Three different cuts of tuna with different percentages of fat each having a distinct texture and flavor. What a fun time….it makes up for the airline food yesterday!


BrookZ said...

ok i am jealous, we had really really good sushi in maui and nothing here has compared. shane was brave one day and got it at circle center mall's food court- i have NO clue what he was thinking.

Laura said...

ooh I could really go for some sushi. As usual I am jealous :(